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How to Save Water in Daily Life

How to Save Water in Daily Life

How to Conserve Water and Reasons Why We Should Conserve Water

Water is one of the most valuable natural resources on this planet. It’s one of the reasons why all living things continue to survive and thrive, which is why it’s important to know how to save water in daily life.

In school, we were taught that around 71% of the Earth’s surface is water – so some of you might think that there’s probably enough to go around. But, bear in mind that not all of these bodies of water are safe for drinking. So that leaves us with a smaller portion for our daily use.

With that said, it’s important to save water as much as we can. If you’re looking for ways on how to save water in daily life, you came to the right place. We have gathered all the useful tips and tricks that will help you develop the habit of water conservation. We will also discuss its importance in the different aspects of life and why we should conserve water.

What is Water definition?

From a scientific point of view, water is a compound that’s made of hydrogen and oxygen. It is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless liquid that’s often found in oceans, seas, lakes, and rain, to name a few.

We are all familiar with water since it’s an essential element in our everyday lives. We use it for cooking, keeping us hydrated, taking a bath, washing our clothes, and all other day-to-day activities. That’s how important water is for all of us.

Water Definition: Nutrition

In terms of nutrition, water is classified as a nutrient that helps our body fulfill all of its functions.

Aside from maintaining overall health at a cellular level, water also helps with transporting important protein and glycogen molecules to make sure that everything is in check. This liquid also helps with the flow of our bodily functions, like maintaining healthy blood vessels and improved digestive functions.

How does saving water help the environment?

Now that you know what water is and what it does for our body, we’re sure that you’re all the more interested to make sure that there’s enough to go around. Aside from its health benefits, did you know that saving water can also help the environment?

There are several ways by which water conservation also helps with environmental preservation. First, when there’s enough water to go around, marine species will remain to thrive and continue to play their role in their ecosystem.

Second, having enough water ensures the proper growth of plants and trees all around us. And third, using less water also means that water treatment facilities won’t be pressured to produce more. Unfortunately, the process of making water safe for our consumption requires a lot of energy – so wasting water unnecessarily only leads to resource wastage and pollution contribution.

Thus, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of saving water.

How to Save Water in Daily Life

Conserve Water in Daily Life

To make reading a lot simpler for you, we have already categorized these tips to make it easier to locate what you’re looking for. So without further ado, here are ways on how to save water in daily life.

Save Water at Home

1.      Check the Plumbing

When it comes to knowing how to save water in daily life, one of the first steps you have to take is to check your plumbing. This is especially true if you live in an old home with similarly aged plumbing works.

As much as possible, look for signs that point to leaky pipes such as the growth of molds or wall discoloration. Once you detect these issues, call a professional immediately and have them remedied. Otherwise, you’ll have to live with those leaky pipes – and that will cost you gallons of water in a year.

Thus, by doing so, you’re not just saving water. You’ll also end up paying less on your next water bill.

2.      Regularly Check for Leaky Pipes

If you live in a new home, renting it, or just recently had your plumbing fixed, it’s important to check the pipes regularly to make sure that there are no leaks. Yes, checking your plumbing is not just a one-time thing. You have to develop the habit of checking it regularly just to be sure.

Now, you don’t have to do this every day. Instead, checking once a month would be a good habit to start with.

3.      Washing Clothes the Smart Way

Another easy way to save water in daily life is to wash our clothes the smart way.

We’re often guilty of loading the washing machine with clothes without filling it to its full capacity. Unfortunately, most washing machines use the same amount of water – whether it’s fully loaded or not. As a result, we end up wasting more water if we wash our clothes in small batches.

As a tip, it’s best to wash our clothes only when the machine’s capacity has been reached.

4.      Cleaning Your Home Wisely

Making sure that our home is clean and tidy is a non-negotiable part of our daily lives. Since the home reflects the personality of the people living there, it must remain in tip-top shape as always.

There are several ways by which you can clean your home wisely. First, try and use as little water as possible. That means that if you can use a vacuum instead of a mop, go for it. Second, when you have to mop the floors or clean the windows, it’s best to spray the right amount of soapy water onto the area instead of unloading an entire bin.

5.      Fish Tanks and Other Ornaments

If you love having fish tanks and similar ornaments in your home, it’s essential to make sure that it’s designed in a way that allows you to conserve water.

Also, make sure to replace the water regularly to keep your fish happy and healthy. But, don’t throw out the water from the aquarium. You can still use it to water the plants later on – unless you’re using saltwater for your tank.

In the Bathroom

6.      Flush Responsibly

One of the biggest bathroom mistakes we commit is to flush the toilet irresponsibly. We’re often guilty of throwing random waste into the toilet and activating the flush to get rid of it. Unfortunately, this nasty habit is making us waste gallons of water in a week!

So as much as possible, we should only flush the toilet when we have to – that is, when we do our business. You’ll be surprised by how much water you end up saving just by observing this simple tip.

7.      Fix Toilet Leaks

Another tip on how to save water in daily life is to check the toilet for leaks and get it fixed as soon as possible.

Now, the tricky part about a leaky toilet is that it’s so subtle that it’s barely noticeable. Fortunately, there’s a way around it that works. Simply put a few drops of food dye on your toilet and check back in a few minutes. If you notice the dye clearing out without you flushing it out, then it’s safe to say that there’s a leak in your toilet. In this situation, call a professional immediately to have it fixed.

Even after it gets fixed, make it a habit to check for leaks regularly. Checking a few times in a year would be good.

8.      Use Water-Saving Showerheads

Because of the growing consciousness to save water, showerhead manufacturers are now making models with water-saving features. These showerheads are affordable and easy to install, so you don’t need expert plumbing experience to have them installed.

So if you don’t have it in your bathroom yet, it’s about time to make the switch.

9.      Take Shorter Showers

Aside from replacing the showerheads, it also helps if you become more conscious about your bath time.

As much as possible, take shorter showers to prevent wasting too much water. Only turn it on when you have to lather and rinse yourself. Without a doubt, this is one of the easiest ways on how to save water in daily life.

10.  Avoid Using the Tub if You Can

Let’s be honest – bathing in our bathtub is truly relaxing. There’s just something about soaking your body in water that instantly makes you feel calm.

Unfortunately, you’re using too much water to clean yourself if you opt to use the tub. Make the smart choice and switch to showers instead.

11.  Turn the Faucet On Only When Needed

Aside from being conscious about the amount of water you shower with, you should also take note of how often you leave the water running when you’re not using it.

A common example of this is when we’re brushing our teeth. We’re often guilty of letting the water flow irresponsibly as we brush our teeth – when it’s so easy to turn it off in the meantime. If everyone lets go of this nasty habit, Mother Earth will surely be grateful for our efforts.

12.  Install Low-Flush Toilets

If you’re planning to get your bathroom renovated, we can suggest going for newer toilets with low-flush designs.

These toilets only use the right amount of water to flush the toilet, so you don’t have to worry about how much water it consumes. Similarly, avoid toilets with large tanks – because they often use that much water to flush your business down. And that’s not practical at all.

13.  Incorporate Water-Saving Designs

Another option if you’re planning to renovate is to talk to experts and ask if they could incorporate water-saving designs into your bathroom. Some designs can allow you to save up to 30% of your water consumption, which is quite a significant number.

In the Kitchen

How to Save Wate

14.  Drinking Water

When it comes to saving water at home, one of the first things we have to remember is to make sure that there’s enough drinking water for all of us. After all, being properly hydrated is a great way to boost our immune system and fight against certain conditions.

To save drinking water, always make sure to keep your eyes on your glass as you fill it up to prevent any spillage. It also helps to talk to your family and make it clear that the drinking water should only be used for drinking – and not for other tasks such as cleaning the dishes.

15.  Re-Use of Cooking Oil

Surprisingly, reusing cooking oil can also save you water. If the cooking oil is still good enough for another frying session, set it aside first and clean the pan later.

This will save you the water and energy of having to clean it thoroughly after every use. It’s also practical to re-use oil, so it’s like hitting two birds with one stone. Now that’s a surprising way on how to save water in daily life.

16.  Save Water While Dishwashing

Like in loading our clothes into the machine, it’s also practical to use the dishwasher only when it’s packed with dishes. Otherwise, you’ll be spending too much water and too much energy to get it run – and both are detrimental to the environment.

17.  Save Water While Cooking and Preparing Food

And finally, you should also try to save water while preparing food for the family. There are several ways by which you can do this. Here are just some of the options.

  • Always use a bowl when you have to clean fruits and vegetables. This allows you to use only what you need to get them cleaned.
  • If time permits, thaw frozen food naturally instead of submerging it in water.
  • Don’t put too much water inside the pot if you have to boil something. Be conscious and only use the amount of water necessary.
  • If you can steam something instead of boiling it, then always opt for the former.

In the Garden and Garage

18.  Try Harvesting Rainwater

Learning how to save water in daily life also means using rainwater for some of our chores.

Rain is a free water source that we can use for gardening and similar tasks. To do so, simply attach a basin or barrel at the bottom of the rain spout. The basin will help you collect the rainwater, and you can then use it to water the plants or to sprinkle them on your lawn.

You can even use it to wash your garage and car, so we should be grateful for nature’s free water supply.

19.  Save Water in the Garden

Aside from using rainwater to water your garden, you can also opt to use plants that are not as dependent on water to survive. There are several low-maintenance plants in the market, and you can use them to beautify your garden. This way, you won’t be using as much water to make sure they’re properly hydrated.

As for your lawn, it’s best to add a layer of mulch from time to time. Mulch is known to trap moisture, and that will keep the grass looking green and healthy for a long time. This is especially helpful during the harsh summer months. Without a doubt, one of the easiest ways on how to save water in daily life.

20.  Recycle Water: Proper Irrigation

If you’re growing your produce, it’s best to develop a simple irrigation system that will allow you to use recycled water to water your crops. For this project, you can recycle used water from washing your hands, washing your vegetables, rainwater, and similar water sources.  

21.  Washing Your Car Correctly

Let’s face it – washing our car requires a lot of water. And that is especially true if you own a big family car.

Since washing your car isn’t something you can do away with, you can opt to replace your hose nozzle with a water-saving unit. But if you have time to spare, you can opt to use a damp cloth and clean your car manually instead.  

22.  Protect the Swimming Pool

If you own a swimming pool, then you’re familiar with how much water is needed to fill it up. To make sure that the water is always pristine and safe to swim in, put a cover over it to keep bugs and debris away from the pool.

By protecting your pool from debris, you don’t have to replace the water as often, and that will surely save you gallons upon gallons of water.

Save Water at School or Work

23.  Bring a Refillable Water Bottle

When it comes to saving water at school or work, it’s always best to bring a refillable water bottle with you at all times. You can use this to catch the water from the drinking fountain or the water dispenser – which prevents any spills if you drink directly from it.

24.  Be Proactive and Report Leaks

If you notice a leaky faucet, toilet, or pipe in your school bathroom, don’t hesitate to report it to the authorities so they can get it repaired as soon as possible.

25.  Observe What You Practice at Home

But most importantly, take your water conservation practices wherever you go. Whether it’s at school or work, being conscious about your water consumption at all times is a great way to develop this wonderful habit.

Thus, always be mindful about how often you flush the toilet, or how you’re leaving the faucet open when it’s not needed.

Importance of Water to Our Overall Well-being

Now that we have taught you how to save water in daily life, we’re ready to talk about the reasons why we should conserve water in the first place.

But before we proceed to discuss these reasons, we first want to emphasize the importance of water in our everyday lives. Let’s start with the importance of water to our overall health and well-being.

1.      Water Keeps Us Hydrated

When we’re thirsty, we often reach out to the water to keep us from becoming dehydrated. While there are several beverages in the market, nothing is as healthy as drinking water. Sugary drinks may be tempting, but all that sugar won’t be the best to keep you hydrated.

And when we’re hydrated, our immune system is bound to function optimally. That allows our body to stand guard against potential conditions and diseases.

2.      Water Improves Cellular Development – Your Tissues, Spinal Cord, and Joints

Aside from keeping us hydrated, water is also important because it helps boost our cell’s development. Our biology textbooks would always tell us that water helps our cells retain their shape, and that allows them to perform their functions properly.

Since our body is composed of billions of cells, we can also attribute the healthy development of our tissues, joints, and spinal cord to water. Even at this point, it’s already easy to see why it’s important to drink as much water as we can.

3.      Water Helps with Removing Body Waste

Not a lot of people realize this, but water also plays a crucial role in helping us get rid of our body waste naturally.

Often, the toxins flow out of our body in the form of urine or sweat. These functions won’t be too easy for our body if water isn’t present to carry them out.

4.      Water Helps Improve Digestion

Water is also known to help our digestive system improve its functions.

You see, water aids in breaking down our food and making sure that the broken-down nutrients are properly absorbed by our organs. That’s why it’s advisable to drink water while or after eating.

5.      Water Improves Brain Functions

As we have previously mentioned, water is responsible for keeping our cells healthy and well-developed. The same is true for the cells in our brains.

So when we’re properly hydrated, our brain cells also remain in great shape. Also, water helps transport oxygen and other nutrients to the brain, and that guarantees optimal brain performance.

Water also helps the brain stay well-lubricated and well-cushioned. That keeps this vital organ protected and free from damage.

6.      Water Helps Maintain a Healthy Cardiovascular System

We have previously mentioned that water helps transport oxygen and minerals to the brain. The same is true for another vital organ – the heart.

But aside from keeping our hearts healthy, water is also responsible for improving the flow of blood throughout our body. This improved blood circulation will help us steer clear of heart diseases and conditions.

7.      Water Can Help with Weight Loss

For those who are struggling with weight loss -we have good news for you. Water can help you reach your fitness goals faster.

By drinking water before every meal, you’ll start to feel full faster. That allows you to eat only the right number of calories needed for your diet.

Importance of Water to the Environment

Importance of Water to Our Overall Well-being

Aside from helping us improve our quality of life, water also plays an important role in protecting the environment. Here are some of its important pointers.

1.      Water Creates a Balance Between Ecosystems

Water is essential for the survival of every living creature – not just for us. It helps keep plants and animals hydrated, and that allows them to prosper in their respective ecosystems.

And when ecosystems thrive together, it creates a wonderful balance for the environment. We can only hope to maintain this balance through conserving water.

2.      Water Helps Aquatic Animals Thrive in Their Natural Habitats

Aside from the fauna on land, we should also think of the animal species living in saltwater and freshwater habitats. Water is responsible for allowing them to thrive in their niche – whether in terms of survival or population control.

Can you imagine our planet without these species? We know you can’t – and that’s why we have to learn to conserve water as much as we can.

3.      Water Boosts the Growth of Flora

Similarly, water helps boost the growth of flora. Aside from sunlight, most plant species are also dependent on water to survive.

If it weren’t for the seasonal rain, our forests would have died years ago. And without these forests, ecosystems will crumble – and there would be a lack of oxygen because of the absence of trees.

Why We Should Conserve Water

At this point, you’re already familiar with how important water can be for all of us. If the pointers we’ve listed above didn’t convince you, perhaps the following reasons will finally make you switch to water conservation.

1.      Limited Water Supply

It’s common knowledge that around 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered in water. However, a large percentage of this – which is around 97% – is saltwater. And salt water isn’t exactly safe for human consumption.

That leaves us with around 3% of fresh water to survive on. And to make the numbers even smaller, only 0.5% of the Earth’s water is safe for drinking. Considering the billions of humans that walk the Earth, this limited number can be truly scary.

2.      Water is Incredibly Versatile

Water can be used for different things. Aside from keeping us hydrated, it can also be used for cooking, bathing, cleaning, and other similar tasks.

With that said, it’s easy to see that water is essential for our everyday activities. There’s no water substitute for these activities, and that’s why we should save water as much as we can.

3.      Water Aids in the Growth of Edible Plants and Vegetables

As previously mentioned, water aids the growth of plants. Whether it’s a fruit-bearing tree, a root crop, or leafy green, that plant is dependent on water to survive. Thanks to water, we have easy access to this type of food to keep us healthy.

4.      Water is Essential to the Survival of Living Creatures

Similarly, water is essential to the survival of living creatures. We already know how important water is for our overall well-being, and the same is true for our favorite animals.

Without water, we may not have healthy meat to eat for every meal. And without water, our pets could also suffer from dehydration and similar conditions. Thus, we should conserve water to survive.

5.      Water Conservation Helps Preserve the Environment

When we try to skimp on our water consumption, we’re also doing our best to preserve the environment.

You see, before the water reaches our home, it goes through a treatment process that allows it to be safe for human consumption. Unfortunately, these treatment plants use a lot of power, and some of them even emit nasty chemicals into the air.

6.      Water Conservation Will Make Us Feel Safe

Every community needs water to survive. When you know that there’s enough water in the neighborhood to take down a fire, that will surely make you feel safe and secure. Similarly, knowing that there’s enough water in the hospital will make you feel at ease. These are just some examples of why we need to have enough water at all times.

7.      There Will Be Enough Water for Recreational Purposes

Water conservation doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t enjoy ourselves from time to time.

Remember that some of the most relaxing resorts and spas need water to function properly. So if we don’t consume water wisely, there’s a chance that these recreational spots won’t have enough water to accommodate us.

8.      Conserving Water Will Help Us Save Money

And finally, conserving water will undoubtedly help us save a lot of money in the long run. When you’re using less water, your wallet will surely thank you once the water bill arrives. This reason alone is enough to convince you to make the conscious choice and start saving water.

And if you can, try to encourage your friends to follow suit. Soon enough, all of us will observe how to save water in daily life – and save the planet collectively.

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