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Overview of Garden of life organic plant-based protein powder

Garden of life organic plant-based protein powder

In today’s time, the majority of us have become health conscious and try to adopt a healthy lifestyle. We are constantly searching or looking for dietary supplements or multivitamins that can help us achieve this. It is particularly true for athletes. Or, who spend most of their time in the gym and need some additional supplements for their fast recovery. However, with so many supplements on the market, it is strenuous to choose the best one. But since the arrival of the Garden of life organic plant-based protein powder, it is no longer an issue.

Today we will talk all about this plant-based protein powder. So, you can have a better idea of why it is the best in the market. 

What is Garden of Life Protein Powder?

Garden of life is a recognized brand trusted by thousands of people across the world. Garden of life manufactures and sells completely plant-based protein powder. It means that all the ingredients in their protein powders do not trace back to foods derived from animals, such as meat. 

Some of the protein powders sold by Garden of life are:

  • Organic Plant-based protein powder
  • Grass-fed whey protein powder
  • Organic plant-based recovery protein powder
  • Organic plant-based Energy + Focus protein powder. 
What is Garden of Life Protein Powder

Garden of life organic plant-based protein powder

Garden of life protein powder, as the name suggests, is a plant-based protein powder that consists of all the essential elements that you as an athlete for a speedy recovery. As a result, your overall performance and endurance increase, and you feel less exhausted. 

One of the best things about the Garden of Life organic plant-based protein powder is you can take this protein both before and after your workout. 

It means that the protein powder has added benefits that help you both during your workout, and helps your muscles to recover after a hard workout. Moreover, you can also consume this protein powder even if you aren’t an athlete to fulfill your daily intake of protein, which is difficult to do with just your diet. 

What Is in Garden of Life Protein Powder?

As specified earlier, all the ingredients in the Garden of Life protein powder are organic and plant-based. Some of them from which the protein powder is made are:

  • Peas
  • Apples 
  • Cherries 
  • Blueberries 
  • Lentil beans 
  • Sprouted Garbanzo bean
  • Cranberry.

If you are looking to get more information to improve your health with natural products, you can visit our website HERE.

What are the health benefits?

The Garden of life organic plant-based protein powder has several benefits for both an athlete, and non-athletes. Some of the most popular ones are specified below. 

  • Helps you fulfill your daily protein intake – One of the primary benefits of the Garden of life organic plant-based protein powder is that it helps full-grown adults with their protein intake.

One scoop of Garden of Life protein powder consists of 15g of protein, which completes 25% Daily Value intake of protein. 

  • Stronger muscles – As the Garden of life protein powder helps you consume more protein, your muscles get stronger, recover faster, gain more density, and your overall metabolism increases. 
  • Reduces your unwanted junk food cravings – Another major health benefit of the Garden of life protein-based protein powder is that reduces the unwanted late-night craving. It is because protein helps you control your sweet or other cravings. Thus, with the Garden of Life protein powder, you stay healthy and fit. 
  • Helps in promoting a stronger immune system – The protein powder contains around 6 grams of BCAA, and other probiotics that make your immune system stronger, and healthier. With the Garden of life protein powder, you stay safe from several diseases and live an overall healthy life. 
  • Fight free radicals in your body – The Garden of life protein powder consists of several Antioxidants that fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals are one of the primary sources of aging and several other diseases. However, as the protein powder has high Antioxidant levels, you get flawless skin without putting in too much effort. 
  • Helps reduce stress levels and promote a healthy gut function – Glutamine is one of the essential components that boost the healthy cells and hormones in the gut, which means your immune system functions as it should. 

Moreover, Glutamine has also been shown to reduce stress, inflammation, anxiety, and nausea, which are one of the leading causes of depression. With that said, each serving of the Garden of Life protein powder consists of 5g of Glutamine that gives you the specified benefits. 

What are the health benefits  - Garden of life organic plant-based protein powder

Garden of life organic plant protein review

Garden of life organic plant protein consists of all non-GMO ingredients that we will tell you about in a bit. With that said, if you are considering buying the organic plant protein powder by Garden of life, you should know the following:


  • No artificial hormones are present in the protein powder. 
  • Perfect for non-veg and people that do not like to eat meat or meat-based products. 
  • The Garden of life organic protein powder does not consist of any antibiotics.
  • USDA organic protein powder. It means that all the ingredients used in the protein are grown organically without the use of any pesticides. 
  • NSF-certified protein powder, which means that no illegal substances are present in the protein powder that cannot be consumed by athletes. 
Garden of life organic plant protein review


  • Trustworthy product
  • Inexpensive. 
  • Gluten and Soy-free. 
  • The overall weight of the protein container is between 0.8 -and 2 pounds (depending on the pack of servings), which makes it easy to carry. 
  • The protein powder is available in different serving sizes. The sizes include 10 servings, 12 servings, 14 servings, 19 servings, and 20 servings. 
  • Easy to digest as several enzymes and probiotics are added to the protein powder.


  • The packaging is not that good. 

The taste of Garden of Life protein powder?

The Garden of life protein powder tastes amazing. However, the taste depends upon the above-specified flavor.

Different flavors of Garden of Life Protein Powder you need to know

We told you what are the health benefits of the protein powder. However, we did not tell you the delicious flavors it is available in. The protein powder is available in three different flavors, which are:

  • Chocolate 
  • Vanilla
  • Vanilla Chai
  • And unflavored, which does not consist of any organic flavors. 

Is plant-based organic protein powder good for you?

Yes! With so many organic healthy ingredients, probiotics, Glutamine, and other ingredients, plant-based organic protein powder is without a doubt good for you. 

Does Garden of Life protein have heavy metals?

No, the protein powder does not have any heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium.

Is plant-based protein powder worth it?

Yes, the protein powder by Garden of life is worth it. 

Are plant-based protein powders safer?

Yes, plant-based protein powders are safer both environmentally, and health-wise. 

Does plant protein affect kidneys?

Taking in an adequate amount does not. However, too much consumption can affect your kidneys. 

Is the garden of life protein powder good for weight loss?

As the Garden of life protein powder consists of high-quality protein in a considerable amount, it is good for weight loss. 

organic plant-based protein - Is plant-based organic protein powder good for you

Final Words

Overall, the Garden of Life Organic Plant Protein review is good, you can do your research. Always make sure to buy the Garden of life organic plant-based protein powder from authentic sources, such as their website, or reputable sellers, such as Amazon. 

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